The 8 players with the maximum set of this points will be eligible to compete for the title of the best player on the site at the end of 2023. Can be obtained with a 25% chance by placing 1-4 in Epic Battle tournaments.
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Champ 2023 Point (Custom items #1285)
2022-12-03 14:40:23
In the next 2023, the selection of players who will be able to fight for the title of the site champion, will be carried out according to a new principle. This chance will be given to 8 players who have collected the maximum amount of these points. You can get them from next year in the weekly Epic Battle tournaments. It will be randomly drawn by one of the 4 participants who have reached the semi-finals. The more often you participate in Epic Battle, the more chances you have to qualify. The final tournament will be held in November-December according to the Olympic system in the duel section. In addition to the title of champion, the winner will receive 500 bonus coins, the finalist - 300
Прикольно и нереально для меня - с турнирами Epic Battle как раз редко удачно складывается. Зато есть интрига!
2022-12-05 04:42
"со следующего года"
а я уже побежала
2022-12-05 06:41
А я восхищаюсь теми, кто участвует и побеждает и буду за них "болеть', я обычно вылетаю в первом же туре этого турнира
2023-05-13 14:55
Количество очков у игроков по состоянию на сегодня:
2023-05-13 16:26
2024-01-31 21:38
Уважаемый @GrandGames ! Этот предмет уже не нужен, турнир 2023 давно окончен. Можно его как-то удалить? Хотя, если бы можно было обменять на что-нибудь, было бы интереснее... Кстати, когда заходишь в Инвентарь на какой-нибудь предмет, в подразделе "Требуется в рецептах" перестали отображаться рецепты стикеров.
In the next 2023, the selection of players who will be able to fight for the title of the site champion, will be carried out according to a new principle. This chance will be given to 8 players who have collected the maximum amount of these points. You can get them from next year in the weekly Epic Battle tournaments. It will be randomly drawn by one of the 4 participants who have reached the semi-finals. The more often you participate in Epic Battle, the more chances you have to qualify. The final tournament will be held in November-December according to the Olympic system in the duel section. In addition to the title of champion, the winner will receive 500 bonus coins, the finalist - 300