⎕ ⍆

いくつかの場所 (5 ~ 20) で互いにわずかに異なる 2 つの正方形の PNG または JPG 画像をアップロードする必要があります。推奨される形式は PNG および 512x512 ピクセルです。違いは顕著であり、小さすぎず、コンパクトである必要があります。2 番目の写真をアップロードした後、処理ボタンをクリックします。


! #393563   2020-02-06 21:50
To create razlegshegosya images it is convenient to use the services or programs on the basis of neural networks that allow to intelligently remove objects from pictures. For example: https://www.nvidia.com/research/inpainting/
Also you can create in any editor, yourself modifying or adding objects in the picture or the picture.

いいね + 5     9
Support  2020-02-06 22:29 + 2
To erase objects there are still program Inpaint (surcharge): https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inpaint
Perhaps you know of other tools suitable for these purposes, share in the comments.
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-02-06 22:36 + 3
I use photoshop. in it and draw and edit and iiii crazyyou can delete unnecessary labels .., to remove the background...
so many possibilities the program has
2020-02-07 09:40
And how much time is required for processing? I uploaded the pictures, hit processing, 7 minutes wait - continues to spin. Eventually refused to load.

いいね + 3     3
Memo  2020-02-07 09:48 + 3
usually a couple of seconds
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-02-07 13:21 + 3
Yes I have quickly processed
ovawiss  2020-02-07 14:24 + 3
The second option happened. I think that in the first case was a pair of too small differences (for one of the axes is less than 5 pixels). And I immediately noticed. When altered, it loaded quickly.
olenenok Solver Rank
2020-02-15 19:16
An example of the recognition of difference program , the picture clearly shows three red differences in green square and window of the house where the differences are not (but the program highlighted the difference the green , which is not visible and does not work, but note it will show as a difference!!!) therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish and count all the differences , they should be equal to what you have in mind , in this case I did 3 differences , and the program showed 4.

いいね + 6     2
_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-02-15 19:31 + 3
@olenenok, thank you
and here is an example of how the program has not noticed an obvious difference in color https://en.grandgames.net/differences/id124613#id393786
learn from the mistakes of pioneers in the Appendix ignat
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-02-15 19:47 + 4
Most importantly why have to watch adds is a fat red circle in a green square and know exactly where he made the difference. Several times I altered this picture is not removed through this window.
_gst6907763 Solver Rank
2020-02-29 13:50
useful article on how to create the difference image and as correct, without errors to upload the prepared images on the site

いいね + 4     0
2020-05-07 22:27
Hello, how to save the game? The first time I do such a thing, came to treatment, all turned out, and keep do not know how. Tell me, please. Thank you.

いいね + 1     0
2022-11-03 16:10
Здравствуйте. А что делать, если программа распознала лишние отличия?

いいね + 2     0
Mgla Online Solver Rank
2022-11-24 17:27
А программа ищет дубли по картинкам, относительно уже имеющихся задач? Неудобно будет, если повторы найдутся.

いいね + 0     0
! #610049   2020-02-06 21:50
To create razlegshegosya images it is convenient to use the services or programs on the basis of neural networks that allow to intelligently remove objects from pictures. For example: https://www.nvidia.com/research/inpainting/
Also you can create in any editor, yourself modifying or adding objects in the picture or the picture.

いいね + 5     9
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