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平均ドロップパラメータ x1 (03-03 09:11)

51   25   45   29   6   10  

Raw material

Base items from which all other items are created

Craft items

Items that can be obtained by crafting. Sometimes found in droplet.

Special items

Craft items used for special in-game functions and items that drop only in drop and are used to create stickers. These items are not subject to boosters.

Free Reciepes

Recipes that are always available, they do not need to buy or try to catch in the drop.


With the help of recipes, you can create some items from others in various quantities. Often come across in a drop.

Sticker Items

Often found in drop. As a rule, they are used only for creating stickers and are practically not connected with the economic system of crafting.


When activated, one item drops out of the number of possible items in the name and description of the surprise


Tickets for various bonuses and advantages in the game. In the drop does almoust not fall.


Boosters improve various gaming characteristics for 8 hours. You can activate no more than 1 booster at a time. Drop-changing boosters work only if puzzles are solved in one and not work on 2 directories ("special puzzles" in the menu).

Custom items

Random items added by players. Produced without a prescription. Used in custom stickers and as part of other custom items.

Planet Discovery

Craft items and make the world greener. Crafted items will be highlighted in green in the planet discovery section.


Very rare items that can not be obtained by crafting. Used in profitable recipes and stickers.

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