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トーナメント #10313 «Daily Battle Pro»

Ежедневная битва. Случайная головоломка с дропом 1-2.
サーバー時間: 2025-03-08 09:55
トーナメント賞金基金評価 登録開始 トーナメント開始ツアー貢献分のツアー メンバー
#10313 パズル Daily Battle Proplayoff 賞金基金40   +5  1670<R09.12 23:0010.12 18:00 3/3518 (19)5 / 8


milutin03 57 Solver Rank
! #531571   2021-12-10 18:43
Wow, I never solved some solitaire so quickly. And this is not good enough.
Since I was very disappointed when solitaire come for final, now I am glad.
No mater who will be announced as the winner.

(we are tied and we wait for lottery)

いいね + 6     4
milutin03 57 Solver Rank  2021-12-10 18:59 + 5
I wander is it possible to win a tournament without a single puzzle solved.
I write recently some topic "to luck or not to luck!".
This is a new situation, but perfectly fit in this article.
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2021-12-10 20:54 + 3
I'm really sorry(( Indeed, it doesn't seem fair when there's a tie, and the winner is chosen randomly( It'd be better to have the prize split between two winners. I'll look forward to your new article, though!
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