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Puzzle constructor section launched

GrandGames Admin
! #602887   2023-12-09 14:03

We are launching our new section "puzzle constructor": https://en.grandgames.net/puzzle/online

It allows you to create any puzzle from any arbitrary picture without publishing it on the site. You can use absolutely any pictures, they are not visible to anyone except you and are not even sent to the server. All processing takes place entirely in your browser. In addition, in some puzzles, for example in classic puzzles, you can choose cutting options from which the puzzle will be formed, which is not currently available in the catalog.

Currently, four functional options are available for the game: tag, classic puzzles, sticky puzzles and floating puzzles. All other existing sections will be added gradually. It is also planned to implement saving the state of the game and the downloaded image in your browser. It is currently unavailable. Leave your suggestions and comments in the comments to this post.

Later, this constructor is planned to be used instead of the old puzzle type selection menu.

P.S. It is planned to introduce the oldest functionality into the designer, which in the puzzle section is labeled as “horizontal, vertical, panoramic”. We need to come up with some concise general name for it. If you have ideas on what would be the best name, write in the comments.



いいね + 11     13
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-12-09 14:07 + 4
Интересно) Спасибо! solnce vverh
GrandGames Admin  2023-12-10 10:36 + 5

Added polyominoes to the constructor. Instead of dividing parts into cells by exact size, the designer divided them into groups by size range. The polyomino functionality has been improved, now it allows you to play puzzles larger than 32x24 (previously the maximum size) up to 80x80 cells. In addition to the horizontal picture, a picture of any other orientation can be selected.
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-12-10 11:00 + 4
Спасибо! solnce :)
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-12-10 18:38 + 2
уже попробовала, понравилось :)
Хотелось бы еще увидеть старые варианты деталек.
GrandGames Admin  2023-12-10 19:22 + 0
"старые варианты деталек"
что вы имеете конкретно ввиду?
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-12-11 02:17 + 2
Как были раньше, до фигурных, резких и тп

GrandGames Admin  2023-12-24 19:25 + 3

The constructor has been updated. We simplified it a little and made the functionality more similar to the existing design of the size selection form in the puzzle catalog. Before the new year, we will try to fully integrate the designer with the puzzle catalogue. The system will become more logical and understandable. The separate principle of accounting and awarding prizes when solving puzzles in the puzzle catalog and in the puzzle catalog will be eliminated. A puzzle of the type and size you choose will be created automatically after solving it, or initially taken from the catalog, if one exists. In any case, a full drop will be awarded for the solution and your speed will be recorded. If you solve exclusively through the puzzle catalog, we recommend trying out the updated puzzle functionality now:
https://en.grandgames.net/jigsawpuzzles (подписаны в каталоге как "горизонтальные, вертикальные, панормные")
https://en.grandgames.net/puzzles (подписаны в каталоге как "фигурные, прямые резкие, волнистые")
И если у вас возникнут каки-либо пожелания по доработке, высказать их.

vbhvby  2024-04-04 18:02 + 0

кому не нравится неьзя чтоли оставить старые пазлы такой радости лишили и молчат как рыбы кто хочет пусть новые собирает а кто не хочет старые так слабо что ли сделать

vbhvby  2024-04-04 18:03 + 0

новые пазлы фигня полная ни красоты ни цвета

olenenok Solver Rank  2024-04-04 18:13 + 5

а что вам отвечать, платформы где были старые пазлы больше нет все удалено , новые пазлы передают даже ощущения а не прото цвет, не говоря о красоте,.

匿名  2024-04-05 12:58 + 1

Это как, ни красоты ни цвета?

匿名  2024-04-05 17:52 + 1

Нужны филиппинские и белорусские пазлы.

匿名  2024-04-05 18:44 + 1

Нужны филиппинские и белорусские пазлы

И пазлы-перевертыши amor

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