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Such gentle creatures...

ludmila-nadoelo 35
! #451126   2020-10-02 18:32
Such gentle creatures, and they adapt to a variety of living conditions. They are mostly sedentary and migrate only when there is a lack of food for caterpillars. They live high in the mountains and even beyond the Arctic Circle. They mainly live on the edges of forests, they love meadows, gardens and summer cottages; umbrella plants are most suitable for feeding caterpillars: among them are carrots, parsley, dill, there are still a lot of cultivated and wild plants. The caterpillar starts from the edge of the leaf and eats up to the midrib. then another leaf passes. They love space and clean air. Therefore, they do not settle in the cities of large villages.

いいね + 8     5
nettaly 52  2020-10-02 19:46 + 3
read vverh
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-10-02 20:31 + 7
Yeah gentle

If any of the readers believes that beautiful butterflies fluttering carelessly over wildflowers are weak and defenseless creatures, then this is a deep delusion. Many male butterflies are ferocious and aggressive, especially in their own territory, and jump into a fight at the slightest provocation.
For example, a satyr butterfly attacks any insect that encroaches on its rights, even if it is even twice its size ... The black sailfish butterfly is especially aggressive. There are cases when she attacked and chased even small birds.

Magazine `` Around the World ' No. 9, 1984
nettaly 52  2020-10-02 20:43 + 4
Judging by the style, the author of the illustration is Chizhikov. The one drawn by the Olympian Bear.
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-10-02 20:54 + 3
@nettaly,hands Вы правы!
nettaly 52  2020-10-02 20:59 + 2
サイトのインターフェース要素の不正確または誤った翻訳を見つけた場合は、報告してください: @GrandGames