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Crossword simple

ludmila-nadoelo 35
! #441333   2020-07-31 12:59
Crossword simple. the picture is wonderful. The bull is just beautiful. Fighting bulls for bullfighting are grown on special farms, participate in the show the bulls younger than 4 years and weighing not less than 450 kg. And I feel sorry for the bull, so bullied before killing.

いいね + 7     5
nettaly 52  2020-07-31 14:34 + 4
Fully support. As Mayakovsky said, sorry, "that cannot be installed on the bull horns, guns and not trained to shoot".

There is another Spanish custom of the running of the bulls - when the naked people just run away from bulls, cows or calves in a fenced off street.
However, animal rights activists do not like it. Purely out of interest - against antibiotics they are protesting, too? Of course, the mass killing of microorganisms...
ludmila-nadoelo 35  2020-07-31 15:35 + 4
Apart of bullfighting, there is another extreme game with fighting bulls - acrobatics. Bull tease capes, and when he flies into a rage and chasing athletes, they run to meet him and perform complex acrobatic elements, using the back of a bull as a sports projectile.
today 50 Solver Rank  2020-07-31 17:16 + 5
Historical novel by Mary Renault "Theseus" - dancing with the bulls in Crete.
Vovka. 47 Solver Rank  2020-07-31 17:38 + 6
"Игры с быком", или "Акробаты с быком" - фрагмент фрески, найденный британским археологом Артуром Эвансом в начале XX века во время раскопок Кносского дворца на острове Крит. Датируется 1-й половиной XV в. до н. э. Экспонируется в Археологическом музее города Ираклион.
На фреске изображена таврокатапсия - ритуальные прыжки через быка. Акробаты прыгают через скачущее в галопе животное, место действия никак не обозначено. По-видимому, обряд "игр с быками" представлял собой религиозный ритуал, служивший неотъемлемой частью критского культа быка
ludmila-nadoelo 35  2020-08-01 04:12 + 4
Thanks for the add-on, friends, read novel, unfortunately to admire the fresco of the ability will not be presented, but the Internet is our everything, and find.
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