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solve the puzzle Spot the difference ...

Vladis Solver Rank
! #409437   2020-03-24 21:00
solve the puzzle "Spot the difference", and places in the ranking of 11 - 14. What is it like?

いいね + 5     5
milena17  2020-03-25 01:50 + 3
Support, and I have a question on scoring. Just saved decided I have listed 261 puzzle, and in the only section 252. At the time of publication this year I've solved all the puzzles, but the points are counted, not all. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it seems that the issue is not just me.
Sakara Solver Rank  2020-03-25 09:18 + 3
"the Number of points in the ranking of solvers over the year (last 365 days) and month (last 30 days) is calculated as the sum of the points obtained for the solution of the puzzles for a specified period of time. The number of points received for the puzzle is not fixed and may vary over time. It depends on many parameters. In General, the longer and more difficult given the decision of the players, the points for the puzzle anymore."
Support  2020-03-25 11:21 + 3
"Maybe I'm wrong"

Yes, you are mistaken. The rating is not updated in real time. Each rating tells you the date when it was updated. Data relevant to the renewal date.
milena17  2020-03-25 13:13 + 2
"the longer and more difficult given the decision of the players, the points for the puzzle more." it turns Out that those who decide slower, you get more points the puzzle. This is so, or I'm again mistaken.
Support  2020-03-25 13:20 + 3
"those who decide slower, you get more points the puzzle"

No, not out. All players have the same number of points for the solution of the puzzle. The number of points, which gives a particular puzzle may vary based on its statistics (the difficulty rating, median time to decision, etc., etc.)
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