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エントリー #375836

olenenok 51 Solver Rank
! #375836   2019-12-09 16:41
Начинаем готовиться к Новому году deddedded Близится 2020 год Белой Металлической Крысы. Чтобы жизнь была успешной и максимально благополучной, нужно обязательно понравиться зверьку, который берет бразды правления в следующем году. У господствующего зверька есть свои любимые продукты. tickbut Тема миссии - Злаковые культуры, хлеб, сыр любых сортов.
Белорусские пазлы text

いいね + 7     7
nettaly 52  2019-12-09 17:07 + 3
kkrazz 35  2019-12-10 01:28 + 4
Magikus 39  2019-12-10 11:30 + 5
Year Spinning Mizgir (Spider) 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020 2036. Slavic rodoslov.
since Ancient times, the Slavs were in harmony and unity with nature, listen to this music and cherish. Thanks to these qualities, our ancestors were composed of totem Rodoslov, which helps us today to better understand your character, tell what it costs to develop with the greatest zeal.
We tried for a long time to instill in Chinese totem animals. You are tired of the years of rats, pigs and monkeys? We are trying to break and give alien under the guise. And no one cares about our roots, although we know about them quite a lot.
Ioanna 43  2019-12-10 13:09 + 3
Magikus, vverh Eastern philosophy tired of the procedure , and there is nothing that we would not exist and values are almost the same in all Nations.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-10 14:39 + 2
Magikus , and why you got into with his philosophy is one of the missions.
Magikus 39  2019-12-10 14:52 + 2
How interesting! Who would have thought that this is missions! It's just a picture posted kkrazz. Well, maybe, it is the Eastern calendar.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-10 14:54 + 3
Actually it is my post , and the picture just hung .
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