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its just incredible

Tverianka 49 Solver Rank
! #374134   2019-12-03 21:11
it's just incredible. I have completed the achievementhahahaha yay!!!! FREEDOM!!!!

いいね + 10     7
Lena2020 48  2019-12-03 21:13 + 2
there are still two levelspodmig
anikina 54  2019-12-03 21:16 + 3
Tverianka, congratulations! rose rose rose rose rose rose rose
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-12-03 21:17 + 6
once, about 15 years ago, I have an art Studio in the club for new immigrants were students - a group of new immigrants from Argentina. seniors, a few words in Hebrew, and the rest Spanishignat great people, enjoyed drawing.
so they called medancedancedance MAESTRO.
from modesty I will not diecrazycrazy
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-12-03 21:20 + 5
no, Lisa, I've had enough of that MAESTRO. more freedomcrazycrazy I also keep someone that is trying to prove.
no obligations to draw easier
anikina 54  2019-12-03 21:35 + 5
Tverianka, I have only congratulated! ignat ignat ignat On Your freedom I don't infringe!!! serdce serdce serdce
nettaly 52  2019-12-03 23:44 + 3
Many thanks to our artists griddlers! rose
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2019-12-04 01:48 + 1
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