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belyak62 was two hours ago Likes9251 Messages6284 4040...

sht 47 Solver Rank
! #363028   2019-10-29 12:58
"belyak62 was two hours ago Likes9251 Messages6284 4040 Solver Rank
! #362873 2019-10-28 21:19
In a word, 5 "e" and no other vowels?"

Your riddle reminded me of a similar one we made in the village during the years of my childhood:
Name a word with six vowels, and they are all "s".
(Hint: the word with reference to local dialect.)

いいね + 6     11
Vovka3 19  2019-10-29 13:11 + 7
In my childhood, too, so they made
Lena2020 48  2019-10-29 13:17 + 2
And I'll tell you where belyak62 was two hours ago, a secretpodmig
sht 47 Solver Rank  2019-10-29 13:18 + 4
Well, I did not expect that so quickly and cleverly see through my tough cookie! Bravo, Vovka3!aplod
Lena2020 48  2019-10-29 13:24 + 1
I didn't know the answer Vladimir spied :)
sht 47 Solver Rank  2019-10-29 13:58 + 5
My native village is in the South of the Tyumen region in the remote rural areas. Based on the border of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the settlers of the Western territories of Belarus and Ukraine. Now, unfortunately all in decline, but the specific colloquial language has remained until now. And in the 60s, the years of my childhood, it was the main language of everyday communication. From this language and there was my mystery.
Lena2020 48  2019-10-29 14:21 + 3
sht, my childhood also went in the village and now it is densely populated, but remote places , the Internet is not always there and cell phones don't any;)
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-10-29 14:28 + 3
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-10-29 14:35 + 4
about cellular significantly better to keep silent. in the summer of 2015 in Rostov-on-don. stayed at the hotel.
the Elevator door was written :"we, find Lightning!". standing, joking, at the same time send our "village" pictures via wifi. flew as fast as lightning. starstar and our "advanced village" I with the unit running in orienteering in search of a normal connection. so guys, it is good there where we are not yetcrazycrazy
Vovka3 19  2019-10-29 17:33 + 3
sht, drinks we have this puzzle looked like this: the Word has five letters "S". Accordingly, the answer was in the singular but in the plural even more interesting, six "S" dance
evgen1985 35  2019-10-30 12:45 + 2
The longest word in the Russian language: "Тетрагидропиранилциклопентилтетрагидропиридопиридиновые" (55 letters) the chemical is.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-10-30 13:17 + 1
@evgen1985, wow shockingshocking
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