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Who hurt this Rat?

SDFGHJ Online 50 Solver Rank
! #356994   2019-10-08 00:07
Who hurt this Rat?acute
took a Cheese or Sausage?
--Here in the New Year I will come to Youpodmig
Nitsche will not give all devour!
And then you'll know!skovoroda
Like a fucking hurt!skovorodapodmig
I Advise you all to be aware of to give taken away,
And better for You---to Appease the Rat
and All the More to Give!!!goodhaha

Later will decide,very much!goodrosesolnce

いいね + 6     4
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-10-08 00:14 + 2
nettaly 52  2019-10-08 10:20 + 8
Real story: once I had krysak. One day I decided to buy a cube of chocolate: called, last. He gently takes teeth chocolate and waiting for when I release a piece. I unclench my fingers - I wonder what he would do. Slightly pulls a treat for yourself. I do not concede. Pulls stronger. I do not let go. Threw the chocolate bar, turned and silently left. Not checked until the evening, even though I called him, and waving all sorts of Goodies. Offense obida
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-10-08 16:26 + 2
Great story and tailed kid with the character was(proud )vverhaplodUsually caudate holding sweets and has to give the willpower younger brotherpodmig
Thank you for sharinggoodporukamrosedrinkssolnce
nettaly 52  2019-10-08 16:39 + 1
Please :)
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