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オンラインパズル «Old house»

2020-09-08 00:00:00

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Old house

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Moulin a laine dUlverton (watermill). #Canada   単色領域: 5%


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FB2017FS Solver Rank
! #447357   2020-09-08 07:35
Да, похоже на мельницу, но не назвала так, потому что не была уверена

いいね + 4     4
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-09-08 08:48 + 8
Now there is a museum. This is Moulin a laine d & # 039; Ulverton - Ulverton wool mill, there are also such
In short, there was a wool factory. The power of water set in motion mechanisms for processing wool (carding, spinning, dyeing, etc.)
The factory was built in 1849, on the territory of an existing sawmill and card factory, when the wool industry in eastern Canada was flourishing. In 1977 the building was recognized as a historical monument, the factory was restored and opened to tourists in the 90s of the last century. I read that the mechanisms are in working order and they are started for a short time to demonstrate to tourists.
FB2017FS Solver Rank  2020-09-08 08:55 + 2
Very interesting!
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