Deaf anguish for no reason And doom haunting the stupor. let's nicolem torch blow up himself the samovar! loyalty to the old order, to live that way. Perhaps, and steamed grief Desperate soul tea! A. Block #poetry
いいね 5 8
2020-01-08 19:20
Especially when there is someone to share a tea party...
Wonderful Lines and nostalgia! I Hope the poet A. Blok and You will bear with me for my lines And if you do not have a Samovar? 't it blow? get Rid of all the waste Coffee Cup what if? That's that for me,Coffee drives Any crap and sadness-melancholy! And Raises the Mood richly rhymed line.
Thanks a lot for the Verses!!!
2020-01-08 19:52
With the soul rifmovannyy the line the Poet will appreciate! Even the Block with a Cup of coffee in the morning All are easier to survive the chaos, Yes, the dampness of January without snow...
2020-01-08 19:59
Class!!!Only sorry,the first line of ochepyatka? A Mouse is very Cute!!!