Красотища и масса положительных эмоций!!!! Спасибо!
いいね 1 0
2016-01-21 12:10
For English-speaking users: he is a character from the "38 Parrots" (38 попугаев), which is a series of 10 children's cartoons (1976-1991). Featuring animated puppets, the series portrays the amusing adventures of four friends: the talkative Marmoset (Мартышка = Martyshka), the shy young Elephant (Слонёнок = Slonionok), the eccentric Parrot (Попугай = Popugai), and the thoughtful Boa (Удав = Udav).
The title of the series comes from the very first episode, where Boa has his length measured in parrots. In most episodes the heroes solve paradoxes related to language and meaning.
いいね 0 0
2016-01-21 12:10
For English-speaking users: he is a character from the "38 Parrots" (38 попугаев), which is a series of 10 children's cartoons (1976-1991). Featuring animated puppets, the series portrays the amusing adventures of four friends: the talkative Marmoset (Мартышка = Martyshka), the shy young Elephant (Слонёнок = Slonionok), the eccentric Parrot (Попугай = Popugai), and the thoughtful Boa (Удав = Udav).
The title of the series comes from the very first episode, where Boa has his length measured in parrots. In most episodes the heroes solve paradoxes related to language and meaning.
いいね 0 0
2021-02-25 00:06
Превосходно Как только раздается голос удава, сразу представляешь Шерлока Холмса. К тому же они очень похожи
いいね 3 1
2021-02-25 00:30
Solomuha, благо дарю!!! Действительно похожи!!!
2022-12-22 17:19
Да, точно! Вот этого самого удава и меряла мартышка попугаями! Отличный кроссворд и мультик!!! Спасибо огромное автору! Теперь бы еще до кучки и попугая! Наверняка он есть на форуме!!!