I had to guess, but it helped when I figured out the subject. Have fun!
いいね 0 0
2015-02-13 22:23
Очень даже похоже на будильник!
いいね 0 0
2015-07-27 21:22
I had guessed a pocket watch because of the winding stem (which I guess is the hammer), but couldn't figure out what the rest of the gray was for.
Я догадался, карманные часы из-за обмотки стебля (который я предполагаю, молоток), но не мог понять, что остальная часть серого был для.
いいね 0 0
2015-11-03 23:59
It's not a pocketwatch, it's an old fshioned alarmclock. The greys on the sides are bells, the one in the middle is the hammer and the small ones on the bottom are feet.
いいね 0 0
2018-06-21 12:15
Very nice and cute alarm clock, which could be easily solved, but interesting. Thank you, mavaje!