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Learning to solve shifters

2018-12-04 10:49 Memo ステージ6 T357 B49 S37 G71  

ミッション #69. Don\'t know how to solve the shifters? In this short mission, we will learn how to solve them. The shapeshifters is small in size, with explanations at each stage.

いいね + 21 嫌い - 0

ステータス: あなたはこのミッションの一員ではありません
anmusselman 7
2018-12-20 11:00
Stage 6 is so frustrating.. cant finish in under 3 mins cause i keep clicking the wrong squares and wasting time.

いいね + 1     2
anmusselman 7  2018-12-20 11:11 + 0
finally finished @ 2:59.. omg
nettaly 52  2018-12-20 11:12 + 0
Don't give up!
attex55 11
2019-05-13 23:03
как 6 этап пройти на золотоpoklonwalltearsskovoroda

いいね + 0     0
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