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The Changeling-kids, part 2

2019-12-09 14:22 B8831388 ステージ25 T11 B4 S5 G11  

ミッション #588. The mission is dedicated to Changeling the small size. Solved fun, easy and fast! Will help to implement \"Universal solvers\", \"lords of puzzles\", \"Drop 1\".

いいね + 6 嫌い - 0

ステータス: あなたはこのミッションの一員ではありません
anikina 54
2019-12-09 16:26
Thanks to the author!!! Fly the mission as on a snowy hill, only flash! ignat ignat ignat vverh vverh vverh solnce

いいね + 1     0
LauraMenshikova Online 54 Solver Rank
2019-12-09 16:28
I agree completely with the previous comment!!! So much! rose

いいね + 2     0
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