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The key to all doors

2020-03-01 04:56 B8831388 ステージ12 T73 B3 S0 G8  

ミッション #804. The key to all doors is the Word. It will open you to the boundless world! Let us solve clotworthy!

いいね + 5 嫌い - 0

ステータス: あなたはこのミッションの一員ではありません
22yjz Solver Rank
2020-03-12 19:03
Thanks for the mission!vverh

いいね + 2     5
B8831388  2020-03-22 03:57 + 5
Thanks for the comment!

It seems incredible, but I managed to make a Pioneer - 2! Cheers and Bravo to me!!!
22yjz Solver Rank  2020-03-22 08:16 + 3
el-el Online Solver Rank
2020-03-28 19:26
Thanks for the mission!Congratulations to the pioneer!

いいね + 3     1
B8831388  2020-03-28 20:16 + 2
Thank you!
ibartoh1101 Solver Rank
2021-03-06 13:13
А у меня первый этап не открылся, ошибка 404 - страница не найденаwallsvechka

いいね + 0     0
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