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Belarusian apples

2019-10-22 20:57 nettaly ステージ21 T25 B3 S3 G5  

ミッション #491. 21 October is celebrated in England Apple Day. To celebrate we are :) Puzzle made up of colour and black and white griddlers on the \"Apple\" theme. In the description of the stages (under the round blue button) you will find information about varieties of Apple trees in Belarus.

いいね + 0 嫌い - 0

ステータス: あなたはこのミッションの一員ではありません
olenenok 51 Solver Rank
2019-10-31 18:59
For those who gathered apples offer to collect mushrooms

いいね + 3     1
nettaly 52  2019-10-31 19:14 + 1
romne Online 46 Solver Rank
2019-11-05 23:38
@nettaly, thanks for the great mission! The harvest of the Belarusian apples collected!

いいね + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-11-29 00:10 + 2
Please :)

Invited to a new mission on puzzles created on the occasion of the birthday of the website:
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