⎕ ⍆

実績 «Master of Potions»

Super Luck   50  

It is necessary to collect in the inventory any potions (blue, green and red) with a total number of at least 10,000. Attention!! Upon entry and after completing the achievement, all of the above potions will be removed from inventory.


最速の完了 (数時間)

2020-01-10 08:36:36
2020-05-23 00:33:21
2020-08-16 23:29:10
2020-12-10 12:04:49
2019-09-28 00:05:40
2021-01-25 11:17:11
2019-12-02 10:04:16
2020-07-31 15:21:50
2020-04-20 17:14:41
2020-11-06 02:52:58
2019-11-23 13:07:22
Lysva 44
2019-09-22 17:42
Here is an interesting achievement. And you can make "Unreal drop" in the sale? I have one already made for sale, and it turned out that not be able to sell. And use there is no possibility - I have 24 hours to use to the maximum

いいね + 0     1
Support 44  2019-09-22 17:42 + 0
No, it is for personal use only.
Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank
2020-04-09 02:03
Tell me, and the recipes here too, as in "the Cook"? or are removed?

いいね + 1     1
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-04-09 11:20 + 1
remain, I first purchased
Sgrand 47 Solver Rank
2020-07-03 18:43
due to the fact that boosters are now only 8 hours, will changes in the reward to this achievement?

いいね + 3     0
miramart777 Online 46 Solver Rank
2020-07-05 13:15
I would like to ask the same question. and it turns out that the real reward for the achievement was divided into three

いいね + 1     0
today 51 Solver Rank
2020-07-31 08:10
Today I will finish this achievement. What will you get? unknown. Survive!

いいね + 5     1
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-07-31 09:46 + 6
Good luck!hands
then please Tell what will be there, probably everyone it is interesting.
today 51 Solver Rank
! #441356   2020-07-31 16:02
In ancient times to make this achievement worth 61.000 , not counting the contribution. And gave him a 24-hour unreal drop. But when I saved 61 thousand, the achievement was worth 121.000 . And when I was 121 thousand, that's again not enough.
Finally I have enough coins and I started achievement. That's a dream come true! But before he finished, there was a separation of the boosters.
And now have one 8-hour unreal drop.
so Much time spent... so Much effort and coins. Unpleasant, to put it mildly.

いいね + 8     3
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-07-31 16:35 + 5
Anyway, still congratulations!sharihandsflows
I have Long wanted to undertake this achievement, but now I do not know whetherrepa at least two 8 hours!
Thank you informed!hands
t98743235 53 Solver Rank  2020-08-01 00:09 + 4
I join in the congratulations! drinksshariflows
I understand You perfectly. This achievement I have managed to get, and now that a whole bunch of other coins that gather up the resources necessary. And in the prize - to put it mildly, a bit not worth.loshad
do not worry, do not be discouraged and do not worry!
we Have time. The break through! kopen
today 51 Solver Rank  2020-08-01 00:50 + 4
t98743235, Vovka, thank you!
I Have today in General all went through the stump-deck. Tomorrow will be better! solncefly
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