It is necessary to collect in the inventory any potions (blue, green and red) with a total number of at least 10,000.
Attention!! Upon entry and after completing the achievement, all of the above potions will be removed from inventory.
Here is an interesting achievement. And you can make "Unreal drop" in the sale? I have one already made for sale, and it turned out that not be able to sell. And use there is no possibility - I have 24 hours to use to the maximum
いいね 0 1
2019-09-22 17:42
No, it is for personal use only.
2020-04-09 02:03
Tell me, and the recipes here too, as in "the Cook"? or are removed?
いいね 1 1
2020-04-09 11:20
remain, I first purchased
2020-07-03 18:43
due to the fact that boosters are now only 8 hours, will changes in the reward to this achievement?
いいね 3 0
2020-07-05 13:15
I would like to ask the same question. and it turns out that the real reward for the achievement was divided into three
いいね 1 0
2020-07-31 08:10
Today I will finish this achievement. What will you get? unknown. Survive!
いいね 5 1
2020-07-31 09:46
Good luck! then please Tell what will be there, probably everyone it is interesting.
In ancient times to make this achievement worth 61.000 , not counting the contribution. And gave him a 24-hour unreal drop. But when I saved 61 thousand, the achievement was worth 121.000 . And when I was 121 thousand, that's again not enough. Finally I have enough coins and I started achievement. That's a dream come true! But before he finished, there was a separation of the boosters. And now have one 8-hour unreal drop. so Much time spent... so Much effort and coins. Unpleasant, to put it mildly.
いいね 8 3
2020-07-31 16:35
Anyway, still congratulations! I have Long wanted to undertake this achievement, but now I do not know whether at least two 8 hours! Thank you informed!
2020-08-01 00:09
I join in the congratulations! I understand You perfectly. This achievement I have managed to get, and now that a whole bunch of other coins that gather up the resources necessary. And in the prize - to put it mildly, a bit not worth. do not worry, do not be discouraged and do not worry! we Have time. The break through!
2020-08-01 00:50
t98743235, Vovka, thank you! I Have today in General all went through the stump-deck. Tomorrow will be better!